About Me

Hi, I'm Eric! This page is where I'll be posting all the updates on my assignments and projects for Fab Academy 2015.

I work for Gwantsi Productions' GI Lab in Shanghai, China. Here we do all kinds of R&D on unconventional technologies for reaching out to markets.

While my work background is mainly in management and software & web programming, I have long had a hobbyist's interest in electronics and mechanical gadgetry.

However, fabrication is almost completely new to me. Only in the last few months have I barely started using 3D pringting, vinyl cutting, and laser engraving and cutting machines, to say nothing of CAD, 3D scanning, CNC, and casting.

I am eager to get an introduction to these fabrication technologies, and to start to fill in gaps in my knowledge and skills in electronics and mechanics.

So I think this Fab Academy is going to be a great course for me!