
HTML tutorial

Computer-Aided Design

  • Date: February 5

Assignment: Model (draw, render, animate, simulate) a possible final project.

This weeks lecture was an overview of different 2D/3D design software options (Open Source & commercial). The idea is to to experiment with the different design software to find the best option that fits the purpose of the designer. I tried to get comfortable with and combine an array of tools in which each excel at different things, to design and visualize my idea.

For the past week I have been digging for information about how to model soap.. I figured that Rhino+ grasshopper is my best option. I experimented with the software to try to simulate the expansion of bubbles and the structure they form upon intersection. I have looked into different design concepts such as sphere packing and voronoi.

First attempt, I used rhino to form the model and better visualize my idea. I then realized that I had to observe the behavior of bubbles when they inflate under boundary constraints so I started using grasshopper.

Second attempt, I created a hexagonal grid and placed spheres of equal size on the center of each hexagon. With the number slider, I tried to simulate the inflation of spheres to form the soap-like structure.

Third attempt, I used the same algorithm but added the random component to randomize the inflation ratio among the spheres..Which made it more interesting. I still have to do more research on the form finding (sphere packing) as the results I came up with are not satisfying.

Fourth attempt, I finally figured how to make a voronoi.

Learning Grasshopper is really challenging for me since I don't come from a design background and the concept of designing through algorithms is completely new to me. I'll hopefully be able to come up with the design I desire by the end of the program!

Project 01a
1st attempt Software:Rhino
Project 01b
2nd attempt Software:Rhino+ grasshopper
Project 01c
2nd attempt Software:Rhino+ grasshopper
Project 01c
2nd attempt (Sphere packing) Software:Rhino+ grasshopper
Project 01c
3rd attempt Software:Rhino+ grasshopper
Project 01c
3rd attempt Software:Rhino+ grasshopper
Project 01c
3rd attempt Software:Rhino+ grasshopper
Project 01c
4th Attempt (voronoi structure) Software: Rhino+ Grasshopper